• Advocates are calling for the legal industry to keep up with the needs of Australia’s multicultural society

    • A former Supreme Court judge says some people struggle to communicate in their second language under pressure in court

    • A 2019 survey found 20 per cent of law graduates in eight major law firms were of Asian cultural background, but only 7 per cent of those who made it to partner level were Asian

  • The article features three women—Mariam Veiszadeh, Nyadol Nyuon, and Katrina Rathie—who share their personal experiences and perspectives on diversity beyond gender. They highlight the ongoing challenges women face in the workforce, especially post-pandemic, and the need for inclusivity that addresses race, disability, and cultural diversity. The panel, held by the Law Society of NSW, calls for broader representation in law and media, advocating for equal opportunities irrespective of background. Rathie emphasizes the importance of cultural inclusion in organizations.

  • The implementation of an initiative where law firm managing partner commit to cultural diversity and inclusivity in their professional spheres.



Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 (Vic)

Prohibits conduct that incites hatred, serious contempt, or severe ridicule based on race or religion. It also provides a legal framework for addressing complaints related to racial or religious vilification.


Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)

Makes racial discrimination unlawful in various contexts, including employment, education, and the provision of services. It also ensures the protection of racial and ethnic equality under Australian law.


International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) (1969)

This United Nations convention commits signatories to the elimination of racial discrimination and the promotion of racial equality. Australia is a signatory and incorporates aspects of the convention into domestic law, such as through the Racial Discrimination Act.

Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic)

Aims to eliminate discrimination, sexual harassment, and victimiSation in various areas, including employment and education, and provides specific protections based on characteristics such as gender, race, disability, age, and sexual orientation.

Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic)

Protects the civil and political rights of individuals in Victoria, including rights related to equality before the law, cultural rights (particularly of Aboriginal people), and freedom from discrimination.

Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)

Contains provisions against workplace discrimination and promotes gender equality, particularly through the establishment of the Fair Work Commission, which oversees issues like equal pay and anti-discrimination measures.

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) (1976)

This UN treaty guarantees civil and political rights, including the right to non-discrimination, freedom of expression, and equality before the law. Australia has incorporated this covenant into its human rights framework.

Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth)

Prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, marital or relationship status, pregnancy, or family responsibilities. The Act also addresses sexual harassment in various areas of public life.

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) (1981)

This UN treaty obligates countries to end discrimination against women in all forms, and to ensure gender equality in areas such as employment, education, and politics. Australian law reflects many of these principles.
